Are you serious about getting heart healthy?

Then you are in the right place

Schedule a Free Call Today

There is no commitment, pressure or obligation

Research has shown that by making simple lifestyle changes, you can take control of the health of your heart and improve your well-being and energy

Are you . . . .

Feeling vulnerable and anxious about your future? Worried that you won’t be able to do what you want to do in your life because of your atrial fibrillation? 

You know the best chance of being able to control the condition is to lose weight, cut back on the caffeine and alcohol, and be consistent with your exercising. 

You’ve been trying but you don’t seem to be going anywhere and you know you need to make the changes NOW.

Do you want to . . . .

Feel confident and in control of your life knowing that you are leading a lifestyle that gives you the best advantage to control your atrial fibrillation and give your body the best chance to heal.

Be in the best health that you can to increase your chances of having better results and quicker recovery from any procedure that may need to have done.

Have the skills to neutralise the effects of stress and anxiety so you can get adequate sleep and rest and don’t constantly feel overwhelmed.

Then I can help you . . .

If you are serious about making lifestyle changes to get heart healthy then you know it won’t happen overnight, and it is unlikely to happen without support.

I understand the frustration and anxiety that comes with a condition like atrial fibrillation. It is usually accompanied by a loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. The worry you have about how you’ll cope at work, exercising and just day-to-day living makes you feel worthless and want to give up before you try.

I know these things because I have atrial fibrillation and have gone through all these emotions myself.

I can help you stop the fear disrupting your life.
I can support you to make the lifestyle changes that reduce your afib symptoms.
I can encourage you to be brave and not fall into the swirl of anxiety.

Are you ready?

Then we should chat.

Still thinking . . .

Why not join my Facebook Group where I post hints, tips and videos about living with atrial fibrillation and managing anxiety?

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